May 11, 2023

Become A Kingdom Influencer Through A Christian Media School

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Kingdom Influence Through a Christian Media School

Have you ever considered using your talents to influence the kingdom of God? If you have a passion for media and communication, a Christian media school could be the perfect place for you to hone your skills and become a Kingdom influencer.At a Christian media school, you will learn how to effectively communicate the message of the Gospel to today’s digital generation. You will also gain valuable experience working with industry-standard equipment and software.Most importantly, you will be part of a community of like-minded students passionate about making a difference in the world for Christ. If you want to make a lasting impact on the Kingdom of God, a Christian media school is a great place to start. Contents

  1. What Is A Christian Media School?
  2. The Need For Christian Media Schools
  3. Media and Communications in Churches
  4. School For Creative Arts in Ministry
  5. Preparation For Creative Jobs
  6. School For Creative Leadership
  7. Conclusion

What Is A Christian Media School?

Visible Music College exists to be a place where Creative Christians can earn a degree that will prepare them to influence the community they are a part of. One opportunity that Visible Music College offers students is the opportunity to earn a degree in Creative Leadership. Visible Music College's Creative Leadership program is geared toward students being capable of producing the media, content, attitude, and culture that influences people and points them back to the central mission of Jesus. Essentially, Visible Music College is a Christian Media School.

The Need For Christian Media Schools

Although many Christian schools and universities offer arts programs, very few exist to reach the student who wants to hone their creativity and the resource it is for their faith. Visible Music College seeks to change that. While Visible Music College is a fully accredited university offering certificates, bachelor's degrees, and master's degrees, it exists to provide those to creative students who intend to change the world through their God-given talents. There is a great void of schools that embrace creativity rather than conform students to a standard curriculum through a standard means of instruction.

Media and Communications in Churches

As technology progresses, the local church should do its best to take advantage of those resources to influence people. While it is not necessary to use technology to share the Gospel of Jesus, media and communication with modern technology have become an opportunity that the Church should not miss. For many local churches, this has meant hiring staff whose roles are specifically to produce content, do digital marketing and communicate via creative media. The Church has long had a role in participating in creative arts as a means of worship. While technological advances have constantly challenged the horizon of media and arts, the learning curve and transition are faster than ever.

School For Creative Arts in Ministry

If ministries pursue incorporating creative media into worship services and other communications intending to influence, they deserve to be served by well-prepared and well-trained ministers of media. This is why Christian Creative Media Schools exist. The mediation of training creative techniques and Christian discipleship. Visible Music College takes that challenge seriously. We intend to prepare Christians to be better artists and to prepare artists to be better followers of Christ.

Preparation For Creative Jobs

As mentioned, technological advances continually change the rules of artistic creation. The relational network of creators, employers, and peers changes equally as fast. This is why it is of the utmost importance to be trained by a community of people skilled in the latest technology, the latest trends of influence, the most compelling artists, and a wealth of intangible resources. This provides preparation that goes beyond the technique. It prepares students to become influencers rather than employees. It allows them to enter the market, industry, and community with confidence to create rather than replicate.

School For Creative Leadership

If we are influencers, we can expect our influence to challenge those around us to move from one place to another. At Visible Music College, Creative Leadership prepares students to lead those around them by creatively presenting media that might not convince but influence. Visible students are challenging thought, challenging the status quo, and helping move others from a place of need to a place of well-being. These are the objectives students tackle in our Creative Leadership programs at Visible Music College.


If your faith in Christ is provoking you to lead others using your creative talents, Visible Music College would like to encourage you in that Journey. Visible has multiple opportunities for you to pursue that calling, from certificate programs to master's degrees. The skilled and passionate professors at Visible would like nothing better than to pour into your life, walk with Jesus, and career. Start a conversation about attending Visible Music College today.

Earn a Bachelor's Degree in Creative Leadership from Visible Music College

Receive training for a career in graphic design, film production, web design, and other media-based technologies for the church and the industry. Learn more about Creative Leadership and Content Creation at Visible.Sources:Internet business photo created by aleksandarlittlewolf -